It's All Greek to Me!: Clothing

     Okay you guys, before I tell you anything more about the Greeks, I just have to say one thing. THE GREEKS DID NOT WEAR TOGAS. I know, I know, you're SO upset but get over it. They didn't wear 'em.

The Greeks made their clothing out of linen, wool, and leather. Among the most popular types of garments were the chiton, the himation, and the chlamys. All of these were basically big rectangles of fabric draped in different ways. I noticed a lot of bright colors in clothing like red, yellow, blue, and purple (MY FAVE!)

Just kidding, chitons were totally cute and super versaltile
The chiton was sewn up the sides and fastened at the shoulders then was cinched at the waist. Pretty cute, I guess. 

Women rockin' the himation, what what!

The himation was basically a heavy cape or cloak worn over other garments. 

The chlamys was a rectangular piece draped under or over one arm
and fastened over the other shoulder.

The fun didn't stop there, you guys. The Greeks had a bunch of different types of shoes, too! I know! So exciting. Just like most civilized people these days, people wore their shoes outside and then took them off inside. Greeks wore slippers, leather boots, and women even wore heeled shoes.
My favorite part of Greek fashion was the jewelry. Good thing I brought some back with me! Take a look and tell me what your favorites are!
Sweet little ring! Looks like a RingPop! Huge!

All. Gold. Everything.

Totes felt like a badass wearing this.
They even wore beautiful pieces in their hair!

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