ROME If You Want To!: Architecture

OMG guys, SO much was going on in Rome. The Romans were extremely innovative and did a lot to influence nearly every civilization that came after them.

The Romans were using timber, stone, and marble for building. Their structures somewhat resembled Greek ones, but were more sophisticated. These huge structures required lots of time and labor, but don't worry about that, the Romans had like a million slaves. *Eye roll*

Guess who invented concrete? DUH! The Romans! Without concrete, we wouldn't have the Colosseum.

You've never heard of the Colosseum?! Well here it is:

BAM! Look at that COLOSSAL building!
DAMN, that thing is huge!

The Colosseum has an area of a whopping SIX ACRES and is about 157 feet tall. It was basically an amphitheatre used for a bunch of different events. The Romans were all about entertainment and the Colosseum housed a great deal of it. Naumachiae were recreations of naval battles with ships and weapons and all that jazz. They actually FLOODED the Colosseum for these shows! Also held in the great amphitheatre were gladiator fights and staged hunts. As I've said, the Romans were very smart and thorough. They built tons of extra things with the Colosseum like drainage systems and underground passages. 

The Romans utilized vaults and arches as well as the dome structure. This allowed for huge spaces for public use. 

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